Here you can find out more about the world of Project Solanum, how nature came to be upside down and what answers the scientists of 2064 have found to the pressing questions of the present… and which ones they haven’t.
With the disappearance of the ozone layer, the spectral range of solar radiation changed significantly. What followed surprised the entire scientific community. Numerous plants adapted their chemical composition at an unexpected speed. The shift towards carotenoids instead of chlorophyll for photosynthesis now colors nature in a previously unknown orange-red light.
This adaptation of plants had not only aesthetic effects, but also profound ecological consequences. Food chains were reorganized, as some plants were now able to thrive better than before, while others, which were heavily dependent on chlorophyll, became more susceptible to the altered light. The animal world also had to adapt to the changed food sources, which led to shifts in the ecosystems.
This caused major shifts and reactions not only in the animal and plant world. Many people saw this change as an apocalyptic sign. Cults emerged and mass suicides took place.
Find out more about the colors of plants in the guest article by Dr. Katja Rembold, Botanical Garden of the University of Bern
Chromosynthesis is a word we invented that combines chroma (ancient Greek for color) and photosynthesis.
- What would you call this phenomenon?
- What color is the future world in your imagination?
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